Tuesday March 28, 2017

time form type form
03/28/2017 6:00 am8-KIHS Markit Ltd. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 6:01 am8-KHERITAGE OAKS BANCORP - 8-K, Notice of Delisting or Failure to Satisfy a Continued Listing Rule or Standard; Transfer of Listing Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 6:01 am8-K/ALiberty Global plc - 8-K/A, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 6:01 am8-KHTG MOLECULAR DIAGNOSTICS, INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
03/28/2017 6:02 amS-1/AYext, Inc. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
03/28/2017 6:03 am8-KTALON INTERNATIONAL, INC. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 6:04 am8-K/ALiberty Global plc - 8-K/A, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 6:06 am10-K/ALiberty Global plc - 10-K/A, Annual Report
03/28/2017 6:07 am8-KBuilders FirstSource, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 6:07 am10-KEVERFLOW EASTERN PARTNERS LP - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 6:09 am8-KLiberty Global plc - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
03/28/2017 6:15 am8-KChromaDex Corp. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 6:16 am8-KPACIFIC PREMIER BANCORP INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 6:30 am8-KClearday, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 6:32 am10-KBIOCEPT INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 6:33 am10-KExsular Financial Group Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 7:00 am8-KLineage Cell Therapeutics, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 7:01 am8-KCHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
03/28/2017 7:02 am8-KTonix Pharmaceuticals Holding Corp. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 7:04 am8-KSTONEMOR PARTNERS LP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 7:08 am8-KAt Home Group Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 7:17 am8-K/ALightstone Value Plus Real Estate Investment Trust III, Inc. - 8-K/A, Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 7:20 am8-KSITO MOBILE, LTD. - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 7:25 am8-KCOLUMBUS MCKINNON CORP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 7:30 am8-KBeneficial Bancorp Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 7:30 am8-KPPL Corp - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
03/28/2017 7:38 am8-KMCCORMICK & CO INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 7:50 am8-KSYPRIS SOLUTIONS INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 8:00 am8-KIntelGenx Technologies Corp. - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 8:01 am10-KCBA Florida, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 8:01 am10-KChina Auto Logistics Inc - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 8:01 am8-KTERMINIX GLOBAL HOLDINGS INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
03/28/2017 8:14 am8-KCANNA Corp - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 8:15 am8-KCBA Florida, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 8:17 am10-KGALECTIN THERAPEUTICS INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 8:21 am8-KGALECTIN THERAPEUTICS INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 8:26 am8-KCardiff Oncology, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 8:30 am8-KSLM Corp - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 8:31 am8-KAmpio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 8:35 am8-KFINJAN HOLDINGS, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 8:43 am8-KJ.G. Wentworth Co - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 8:46 am8-KGenie Energy Ltd. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 8:55 am8-KITRON, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 8:59 am8-KCara Therapeutics, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 9:00 am8-KSLM Corp - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 9:00 am8-KNextDecade Corp. - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
03/28/2017 9:04 am8-KImpax Laboratories, LLC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant
03/28/2017 9:21 am8-KXEROX CORP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 9:30 am8-KMELINTA THERAPEUTICS, INC. /NEW/ - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 9:30 am8-KDIGITAL ALLY INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 9:30 am10-KLightstone Value Plus Real Estate Investment Trust III, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 9:31 am8-KCARNIVAL CORP - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 9:32 am10-KDIGITAL ALLY INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 9:34 am10-KUTG INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 9:38 am8-KCitizens Community Bancorp Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 9:40 am8-KRELIV INTERNATIONAL INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 9:58 am8-KHighpower International, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 10:00 am10-KNew York City REIT, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 10:02 amS-1/ACHS INC - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
03/28/2017 10:09 am8-KNORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 10:30 am8-KBaker Hughes Holdings LLC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 10:33 am8-KRENT A CENTER INC DE - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders
03/28/2017 10:45 am8-KGold Torrent, Inc. - 8-K, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities
03/28/2017 10:48 am8-KBusiness Development Corp of America - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 10:58 am8-KHINES GLOBAL INCOME TRUST, INC. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 11:09 am10-KSYPRIS SOLUTIONS INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 11:09 am8-KSHENANDOAH TELECOMMUNICATIONS CO/VA/ - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 11:11 am8-KBlackRock Inc. - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 11:13 am10-KRELIV INTERNATIONAL INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 11:17 am8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Indianapolis - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 11:22 am8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Cincinnati - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 11:24 am10-KHIBBETT INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 11:39 am10-KTCW Direct Lending LLC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 11:39 am8-KGeneral Finance CORP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 11:42 am8-KGERMAN AMERICAN BANCORP, INC. - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 11:51 am8-KPhio Pharmaceuticals Corp. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 11:51 am8-KHALLMARK FINANCIAL SERVICES INC - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 11:58 am8-KProtea Biosciences Group, Inc. - 8-K, Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 12:04 pm8-KNISSAN AUTO RECEIVABLES Co II LLC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 12:10 pm8-K/ANu-Med Plus, Inc. - 8-K/A, Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 12:12 pm10-QMICRON TECHNOLOGY INC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/28/2017 12:15 pm8-KGriffin-American Healthcare REIT III, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 12:18 pm8-KFACTSET RESEARCH SYSTEMS INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 12:21 pmS-1/AATOSSA THERAPEUTICS, INC. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
03/28/2017 12:30 pm10-KHGR Liquidating Trust - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 12:30 pm8-KFINISAR CORP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 12:32 pm8-KASPEN INSURANCE HOLDINGS LTD - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 12:35 pm10-KUlta Beauty, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 12:37 pm8-KCCA INDUSTRIES INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 12:38 pm8-KJ.E.M. CAPITAL, INC. - 8-K, Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 12:40 pm8-K/ASeaniemac International, Ltd. - 8-K/A, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 12:45 pm8-KTWO RIVERS WATER & FARMING Co - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 12:49 pm8-KKBS Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 12:50 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant
03/28/2017 12:51 pm10-K/ACAPSTONE COMPANIES, INC. - 10-K/A, Annual Report
03/28/2017 1:02 pm8-KPROVIDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 1:06 pm10-KMARVELL TECHNOLOGY GROUP LTD - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 1:11 pm8-KWELLS FARGO & COMPANY/MN - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 1:24 pm8-KPG&E Corp - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 1:25 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Topeka - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 1:32 pm8-KWELLS FARGO & COMPANY/MN - 8-K, Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 1:36 pm10-KMidwest Energy Emissions Corp. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 1:41 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Boston - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant
03/28/2017 1:42 pm10-KAcacia Diversified Holdings, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 1:48 pm8-KCosmos Holdings Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 1:50 pm10-KMill City Ventures III, Ltd - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 1:52 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of New York - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 2:04 pm10-K/AProvident Bancorp, Inc. - 10-K/A, Annual Report
03/28/2017 2:10 pm10-KGS Mortgage Securities Trust 2012-GC6 - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 2:15 pm10-KSB PARTNERS - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 2:17 pmS-1/AAccelerated Pharma, Inc. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
03/28/2017 2:18 pm10-KMentor Capital, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 2:36 pm10-QCOMMERCIAL METALS Co - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/28/2017 2:41 pm10-KCERES ABINGDON L.P. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 2:43 pm8-KCleco Corporate Holdings LLC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 2:46 pm8-KAmerican Finance Trust, Inc - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 2:49 pm10-QMMEX Resources Corp - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/28/2017 2:52 pm8-KFord Credit Auto Lease Two LLC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 2:53 pm10-K/APAPERWEIGHT DEVELOPMENT CORP - 10-K/A, Annual Report
03/28/2017 2:55 pm8-KGenpact LTD - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 2:58 pm8-KTakung Art Co., Ltd - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 2:59 pm10-KStabilis Solutions, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 2:59 pm10-KTIDELANDS ROYALTY TRUST B - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:00 pm8-KFAIRPOINT COMMUNICATIONS INC - 8-K, Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 3:06 pm10-KBoston Therapeutics, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:06 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant
03/28/2017 3:09 pm10-KDIVERSIFIED 2000 FUTURES FUND L.P. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:18 pm10-KCERES TACTICAL GLOBAL L.P. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:18 pm10-KGSRX INDUSTRIES INC. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:21 pm10-KGS Mortgage Securities Trust 2013-GCJ16 - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:21 pm8-KConsolidated Communications Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 3:22 pm10-KCeres Tactical Commodity L.P. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:23 pm10-KPolaris Futures Fund L.P. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:23 pm10-KManaged Futures Premier Energy Fund L.P. II - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:24 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 3:24 pm10-KGS Mortgage Securities Trust 2012-GCJ9 - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:25 pm10-KRenovaCare, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:25 pm10-KPOTOMAC FUTURES FUND LP - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:26 pm10-KTJX COMPANIES INC /DE/ - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:26 pm10-KGS Mortgage Securities Trust 2014-GC26 - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:28 pm10-KCERES ORION L.P. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:28 pm8-KSONIC FOUNDRY INC - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 3:29 pm10-KCyalume Technologies Holdings, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:29 pm10-KWESTPORT FUTURES FUND L.P. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:32 pm10-KUBS-Barclays Commercial Mortgage Trust 2012-C4 - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:32 pm10-KPALTALK, INC. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:33 pm10-KMANAGED FUTURES PREMIER ENERGY FUND L.P. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:40 pm10-K/AORIGINAL SIXTEEN TO ONE MINE INC /CA/ - 10-K/A, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:40 pm10-KCeres Tactical Macro L.P. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:41 pm10-KYacht Finders, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:43 pm8-KRich Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - 8-K, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities
03/28/2017 3:43 pm10-KGS Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-GC30 - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:45 pm8-KMGC DIAGNOSTICS Corp - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
03/28/2017 3:46 pm10-KGLOBAL DIVERSIFIED FUTURES FUND L.P. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:47 pm10-KEMERGING CTA PORTFOLIO LP - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:51 pm8-KNETWORK 1 TECHNOLOGIES INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 3:51 pm10-KZETA ACQUISITION CORP I - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:52 pm10-KMORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY SPECTRUM SELECT LP - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:53 pm10-KGS Mortgage Securities Trust 2015-GC34 - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:56 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 3:57 pm10-KMORGAN STANLEY SMITH BARNEY CHARTER ASPECT L.P. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 3:57 pm10-KLightning Gaming, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:00 pm8-KAMERICAN HONDA RECEIVABLES LLC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:01 pm8-KVCA INC - 8-K, Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
03/28/2017 4:01 pmS-1/APOLARITYTE, INC. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
03/28/2017 4:01 pm8-KJOINT Corp - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:01 pm10-KDOCUMENT SECURITY SYSTEMS INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:02 pm8-KAllegiant Travel CO - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 4:02 pm8-KAmarantus Bioscience Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Changes in Control of Registrant Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:02 pm10-KON TRACK INNOVATIONS LTD - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:04 pm10-KAcer Therapeutics Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:04 pm10-KIntelGenx Technologies Corp. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:04 pm8-KHOLOGIC INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 4:05 pm8-KLIBERTY PROPERTY TRUST - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:05 pm10-KICHOR HOLDINGS, LTD. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:05 pm8-KPERNIX THERAPEUTICS HOLDINGS, INC. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:05 pm10-KBIG LOTS INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:05 pm8-KSMITH MICRO SOFTWARE, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:06 pm8-KCHURCH & DWIGHT CO INC /DE/ - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:06 pm8-KAXIM BIOTECHNOLOGIES, INC. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:06 pm10-KSpine Injury Solutions, Inc - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:06 pm10-QIHS Markit Ltd. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/28/2017 4:07 pm8-KNOODLES & Co - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 4:07 pm10-KALLTEMP, INC. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:07 pm10-KCREATIVE REALITIES, INC. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:08 pm10-KCIM INCOME NAV, INC. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:08 pm8-KIntelGenx Technologies Corp. - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 4:08 pm8-KSRAX, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 4:09 pm8-KBankrate, Inc. - 8-K, Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:10 pm8-KDIGILITI MONEY GROUP, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:10 pm8-KSpine Injury Solutions, Inc - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:10 pm8-KSITO MOBILE, LTD. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:10 pm8-KRH - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:10 pm8-KTANDEM DIABETES CARE INC - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 4:10 pm8-KCAMDEN NATIONAL CORP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:10 pm8-K/AGlobal Medical REIT Inc. - 8-K/A, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 4:11 pm8-KNISSAN AUTO RECEIVABLES Co II LLC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:12 pm8-KAcer Therapeutics Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:12 pm8-KEvolve Transition Infrastructure LP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:14 pm10-KSPLASH BEVERAGE GROUP, INC. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:14 pm10-KEnumeral Biomedical Holdings, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:14 pm8-KEvolve Transition Infrastructure LP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:15 pm10-KCERES TACTICAL SYSTEMATIC L.P. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:15 pm8-KCyclacel Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:15 pm8-KDOCUMENT SECURITY SYSTEMS INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:15 pm8-KYunhong CTI Ltd. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:16 pm8-KCOMPASS MINERALS INTERNATIONAL INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:17 pm8-KPacific Coast Oil Trust - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:17 pm10-KIZEA Worldwide, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:19 pm8-KEVOLVING SYSTEMS INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:19 pm8-KApproach Resources Inc - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
03/28/2017 4:20 pm8-KLAUREATE EDUCATION, INC. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:20 pm8-KVERINT SYSTEMS INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:21 pm8-KComstock Holding Companies, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:21 pm8-KLAUREATE EDUCATION, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:21 pm8-KWESTMORELAND COAL Co - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:22 pm10-KCeres Classic L.P. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:22 pm10-KOMNICOMM SYSTEMS INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:22 pm8-KSonnet BioTherapeutics Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Results of Operations and Financial Condition Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:23 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Dallas - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:23 pmS-1/AATOSSA THERAPEUTICS, INC. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
03/28/2017 4:23 pm8-KOllie's Bargain Outlet Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:24 pm8-KLSC Communications, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 4:24 pm8-KNABORS INDUSTRIES LTD - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:24 pm8-KEuronav MI II Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
03/28/2017 4:24 pm8-KBOSTON BEER CO INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 4:26 pm8-KUrban Edge Properties - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:26 pm8-KMACKINAC FINANCIAL CORP /MI/ - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:27 pm8-KKEMPHARM, INC - 8-K, Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:27 pm10-KLumos Networks Corp. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:27 pm8-KAMBAC FINANCIAL GROUP INC - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 4:28 pm8-KICTV Brands Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:29 pm8-KJMP GROUP LLC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
03/28/2017 4:29 pm8-KCarey Watermark Investors Inc - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 4:30 pm8-KTAILORED BRANDS INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:30 pm8-KMERIT MEDICAL SYSTEMS INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:31 pm8-KCENTERPOINT ENERGY INC - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 4:31 pm8-KEVERSPIN TECHNOLOGIES INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:31 pm8-KTiger Reef, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:32 pm8-KEVERSPIN TECHNOLOGIES INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:33 pm10-KDOLLAR TREE, INC. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:33 pm8-KActinium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:34 pm8-KOrexigen Therapeutics, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:34 pm8-KKeysight Technologies, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:34 pm8-KAMERIGAS PARTNERS LP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:36 pm8-KSONIC CORP - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:36 pm10-KPERNIX THERAPEUTICS HOLDINGS, INC. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:36 pm8-KWatermark Lodging Trust, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 4:38 pm8-KQUICKLOGIC Corp - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:38 pm8-KSequential Brands Group, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:38 pm8-KSimpson Manufacturing Co., Inc. - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:38 pm8-KAMC ENTERTAINMENT HOLDINGS, INC. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:39 pm10-KGelTech Solutions, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:39 pm8-KENDURANCE SPECIALTY HOLDINGS LTD - 8-K, Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Notice of Delisting or Failure to Satisfy a Continued Listing Rule or Standard; Transfer of Listing Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders Changes in Control of Registrant Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:39 pm8-KVECTREN CORP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:40 pm8-KCarbonite Inc - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:40 pm8-KStandard AVB Financial Corp. - 8-K, Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:40 pm8-KCMTSU Liquidation, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
03/28/2017 4:40 pm10-QMCCORMICK & CO INC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/28/2017 4:40 pm8-KSixth Street Specialty Lending, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:41 pm10-KCode Chain New Continent Ltd - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:41 pm8-KCOMPUTER SCIENCES CORP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:42 pm10-KGEX MANAGEMENT, INC. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:43 pm8-KCONCHO RESOURCES INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:43 pm8-KAshford Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:43 pm8-KWesco Aircraft Holdings, Inc - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:43 pm8-KMedtronic plc - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:44 pm8-KMedtronic plc - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:45 pm8-KCYNERGISTEK, INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:46 pm8-KBancorp of New Jersey, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:48 pm8-KBlackRock Capital Investment Corp - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
03/28/2017 4:49 pm8-KCLS Holdings USA, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:49 pm8-KShire plc - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:49 pm8-KEnumeral Biomedical Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:49 pm8-KPREFERRED APARTMENT COMMUNITIES INC - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 4:50 pm8-KViper Energy Partners LP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 4:52 pm10-KMeritage Futures Fund L.P. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:52 pm10-KICTV Brands Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:52 pm10-KVera Bradley, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:52 pm10-KDATA I/O CORP - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:54 pm10-KResource Real Estate Investors 7, L.P. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:54 pm8-KCanterbury Park Holding Corp - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:54 pm10-KKBS Real Estate Investment Trust, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:56 pm10-K/AINNOVATE Corp. - 10-K/A, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:56 pm8-KCorporate Property Associates 17 - Global INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 4:57 pm10-KCole Office & Industrial REIT (CCIT III), Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 4:57 pm8-KBluerock Residential Growth REIT, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
03/28/2017 4:59 pm8-KMAM SOFTWARE GROUP, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 4:59 pm8-KAult Global Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities
03/28/2017 4:59 pm10-K/AWHITEWAVE FOODS Co - 10-K/A, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:00 pm8-KSQL Technologies Corp. - 8-K, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities
03/28/2017 5:00 pm10-KRockies Region 2006 Limited Partnership - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:00 pm8-KCytosorbents Corp - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:01 pm8-KAT&T INC. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:01 pm8-KATMOS ENERGY CORP - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 5:01 pm8-KHERITAGE COMMERCE CORP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events
03/28/2017 5:02 pm10-KEVOLVING SYSTEMS INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:02 pm10-KLV Futures Fund L.P. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:02 pm8-KCORPORATE PROPERTY ASSOCIATES 18 GLOBAL INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 5:03 pm8-KTarget Group Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:03 pm8-KCLAYTON WILLIAMS ENERGY INC /DE - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 5:03 pm8-KNightFood Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:04 pm8-KCentennial Resource Development, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 5:04 pm8-KCardinal Ethanol LLC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
03/28/2017 5:05 pm8-KSavara Inc - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:05 pm8-KIZEA Worldwide, Inc. - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:06 pm8-KNewtek Business Services Corp. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 5:08 pm8-KT-Mobile US, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 5:08 pm8-KIndoor Harvest Corp - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:09 pm10-KROCKIES REGION 2007 LP - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:12 pm8-KRR Donnelley & Sons Co - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 5:13 pm8-KCANTALOUPE, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 5:13 pm8-KGoldman Sachs Middle Market Lending Corp. - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 5:14 pm8-KAramark - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:14 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
03/28/2017 5:14 pm10-KDave & Buster's Entertainment, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:14 pm8-KSPRING PHARMACEUTICAL GROUP, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:16 pm10-KResource Real Estate Investors 6 LP - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:17 pm10-KUAS Drone Corp. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:17 pm8-KRamaco Resources, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:18 pm8-KSELLAS Life Sciences Group, Inc. - 8-K, Notice of Delisting or Failure to Satisfy a Continued Listing Rule or Standard; Transfer of Listing
03/28/2017 5:18 pm8-KNexPoint Residential Trust, Inc. - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:19 pm10-KCALERES INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:19 pm10-KAsterias Biotherapeutics, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:20 pm8-KProPetro Holding Corp. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:20 pm10-KHighpower International, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:21 pm10-KGSE SYSTEMS INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:21 pm10-KRamaco Resources, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:21 pm10-KAVADEL PHARMACEUTICALS PLC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:21 pm8-KAdynxx, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:22 pm8-KXG SCIENCES INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
03/28/2017 5:23 pm8-KWIRELESS TELECOM GROUP INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 5:24 pm10-KBrekford Traffic Safety, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:24 pm8-KCANTALOUPE, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:24 pm8-KMetaldyne Performance Group Inc. - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 5:27 pm8-KInvestors Bancorp Inc - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:27 pm10-KMETLIFE POLICYHOLDER TRUST - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:28 pm8-KENERGY FUELS INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 5:29 pm8-KBausch Health Companies Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:29 pmS-1/AACTIVECARE, INC. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
03/28/2017 5:29 pm8-KTELEDYNE TECHNOLOGIES INC - 8-K, Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:29 pm10-KEvolve Transition Infrastructure LP - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:30 pm10-KOrganogenesis Holdings Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:31 pm10-KVERINT SYSTEMS INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:31 pm8-KForesight Energy LP - 8-K, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:45 pm10-KGlucose Health, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 5:56 pm8-KEdesa Biotech, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:58 pm10-QEthos Media Network, Inc. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/28/2017 5:59 pm8-K/AFBL FINANCIAL GROUP INC - 8-K/A, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 5:59 pm8-KSEACOR HOLDINGS INC /NEW/ - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 6:01 pm8-KAMERICAN AXLE & MANUFACTURING HOLDINGS INC - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 6:07 pm10-KMorgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2012-C4 - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 6:15 pm10-KMED SPA VACATIONS INC. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 6:30 pm10-KMorgan Stanley Capital I Trust 2011-C3 - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 6:30 pm8-KENERGY FUELS INC - 8-K, Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 6:30 pm10-KMorgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust 2012-C6 - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 6:31 pm8-KHomeStreet, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 6:38 pm10-KDELCATH SYSTEMS, INC. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 6:43 pm8-KAdvanced Voice Recognition Systems, Inc - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 6:59 pm8-KCAPITAL SENIOR LIVING CORP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 7:03 pm8-KGULFMARK OFFSHORE INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 7:21 pm8-KCENTRUS ENERGY CORP - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 7:43 pm10-KEMAGIN CORP - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 8:01 pm10-KCYNERGISTEK, INC - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 8:03 pm8-KSimply, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 8:05 pm10-QFenix Parts, Inc. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
03/28/2017 8:08 pm8-KMillennium Investment & Acquisition Co Inc. - 8-K, Other Events
03/28/2017 8:12 pm8-KAVEO PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 8:14 pmS-1/AMABVAX THERAPEUTICS HOLDINGS, INC. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
03/28/2017 8:17 pm10-K/ALineage Cell Therapeutics, Inc. - 10-K/A, Annual Report
03/28/2017 8:19 pm8-KFenix Parts, Inc. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 8:31 pm8-KONE Group Hospitality, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 8:35 pm8-KCION Investment Corp - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 8:41 pm10-KNuo Therapeutics, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 8:44 pm10-KSaban Capital Acquisition Corp. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 8:51 pm8-KDOLLAR GENERAL CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
03/28/2017 9:16 pm8-K/ABIOVIE INC. - 8-K/A, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
03/28/2017 9:34 pmS-1/ABIOVIE INC. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
03/28/2017 9:44 pmS-1MEFAthene Holding Ltd - S-1MEF, Registration adding securities to prior Form S-1 registration
03/28/2017 9:45 pm10-KPure Storage, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 9:47 pm10-KICON ECI Fund Sixteen - 10-K, Annual Report
03/28/2017 9:54 pmS-1/ANuwellis, Inc. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
03/28/2017 10:00 pm10-KMISSION BROADCASTING INC - 10-K, Annual Report