Monday October 25, 2010

time form type form
10/25/2010 6:04 am8-KVIVUS INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 6:08 am8-KDYNASIL CORP OF AMERICA - 8-K, Other Events
10/25/2010 6:10 am8-KLIONS GATE ENTERTAINMENT CORP /CN/ - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 6:14 am8-KARIEL WAY INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 6:14 amS-1/AFresh Market, Inc. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
10/25/2010 6:26 am8-KFOUR RIVERS BIOENERGY INC. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 7:04 am8-KRS Legacy Corp - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 7:06 am10-QRS Legacy Corp - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/25/2010 7:31 am8-KOMEROS CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 7:45 am8-KCARRIZO OIL & GAS INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 8:00 am10-KFREDERICK'S OF HOLLYWOOD GROUP INC /NY/ - 10-K, Annual Report
10/25/2010 8:00 am8-KPSYCHIATRIC SOLUTIONS INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
10/25/2010 8:00 am8-KLORILLARD, LLC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 8:02 am8-KSIMON WORLDWIDE INC - 8-K, Other Events
10/25/2010 8:10 am8-KMGM Resorts International - 8-K, Other Events
10/25/2010 8:17 am8-KMGM Resorts International - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 8:36 am8-KROPER TECHNOLOGIES INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition
10/25/2010 8:45 am8-KSENOMYX INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 8:55 am8-KLiberty Acquisition Holdings Corp. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 8:58 am8-KSUNPOWER CORP - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
10/25/2010 9:00 am8-KSPECTRASCIENCE INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 9:00 am8-KLightstone Value Plus REIT V, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 9:26 am8-KLL&E ROYALTY TRUST - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 9:32 am8-KDOMINION ENERGY SOUTH CAROLINA, INC. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure
10/25/2010 9:44 am8-KMORGAN STANLEY - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 9:56 am8-KCDTI ADVANCED MATERIALS, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 9:56 am8-KBANKUNITED FINANCIAL CORP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 10:17 am8-KKVH INDUSTRIES INC \DE\ - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 10:30 am8-KCullen Agricultural Holding Corp - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement
10/25/2010 10:38 am8-KAcacia Diversified Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 10:44 am8-KFidelity National Financial, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
10/25/2010 10:51 am8-KCUBIST PHARMACEUTICALS INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 10:53 am8-KBIOVEST INTERNATIONAL INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 10:53 am8-KAV Homes, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 10:55 am8-KFirst Guaranty Bancshares, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 10:59 am8-KACCENTIA BIOPHARMACEUTICALS INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 11:30 am8-KUniversal Bioenergy, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 11:31 am8-KNuStar GP Holdings, LLC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 11:56 am8-KWII Components, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 12:00 pm8-KTWO RIVERS WATER & FARMING Co - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
10/25/2010 12:03 pm10-Q/AUS VR Inc. - 10-Q/A, Quarterly Report
10/25/2010 12:07 pm8-KFIDELITY SOUTHERN CORP - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 12:12 pm8-KAGENUS INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 12:12 pm8-KREDDY ICE HOLDINGS INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 12:15 pm8-K8888 Acquisition CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant Changes in Control of Registrant Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Change in Shell Company Status Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 12:43 pm8-KSCIENTIFIC ENERGY, INC - 8-K, Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
10/25/2010 12:47 pm8-KPRE PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 12:51 pm8-KPFF BANCORP INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 12:54 pm8-KCALIFORNIA STEEL INDUSTRIES INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 1:04 pm8-KKIMBALL INTERNATIONAL INC - 8-K, Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 1:05 pm8-KREPROS THERAPEUTICS INC. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 1:07 pm8-KIDW MEDIA HOLDINGS, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events
10/25/2010 1:11 pm8-KCosmos Holdings Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
10/25/2010 1:13 pm8-KSCHULMAN A INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 1:18 pm8-KMONRO, INC. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 1:21 pm8-KAmerican Realty Capital Trust, Inc. - 8-K, Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets
10/25/2010 1:22 pm8-K/AShrink Nanotechnologies, Inc. - 8-K/A, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 1:29 pm8-KBANK OF HAWAII CORP - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 1:32 pm8-KOPTICAL CABLE CORP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 1:34 pm8-KGYMBOREE CORP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 1:41 pm8-KTECO ENERGY INC - 8-K, Other Events
10/25/2010 1:41 pm8-KChino Commercial Bancorp - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition
10/25/2010 2:00 pm10-QPurthanol Resources Ltd - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/25/2010 2:03 pmS-1/AWISE SALES, INC. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
10/25/2010 2:07 pm8-KPraxsyn Corp - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 2:10 pm8-KPEPSICO INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 2:11 pm10-QSONOCO PRODUCTS CO - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/25/2010 2:31 pm8-KTMST, Inc. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 2:35 pm8-KHMN FINANCIAL INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 2:37 pm8-KUNIVERSAL TRAVEL GROUP - 8-K, Amendments to the Registrant's Code of Ethics, or Waiver of a Provision of the Code of Ethics Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 2:38 pm8-KCOMMERCIAL METALS Co - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 2:38 pm10-Q/AOur Glass, Inc. - 10-Q/A, Quarterly Report
10/25/2010 2:41 pm8-K/AENCORE CAPITAL GROUP INC - 8-K/A, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 2:45 pm8-KTriangle Petroleum Corp - 8-K, Amendments to the Registrant's Code of Ethics, or Waiver of a Provision of the Code of Ethics Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 2:48 pm8-KInvestview, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 2:50 pm8-KREDtone Asia Inc - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
10/25/2010 2:50 pm8-KPENN NATIONAL GAMING INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 2:52 pm8-KUIL HOLDINGS CORP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 2:53 pm10-Q/AMERCI INC - 10-Q/A, Quarterly Report
10/25/2010 3:03 pm10-QHub Group, Inc. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/25/2010 3:04 pm8-KGlobal Gate Property Corp. - 8-K, Other Events
10/25/2010 3:04 pmS-1/ATriangle Petroleum Corp - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
10/25/2010 3:07 pm8-KM.D.C. HOLDINGS, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 3:08 pm8-KTIENS BIOTECH GROUP USA INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 3:08 pm8-KBehringer Harvard Short-Term Liquidating Trust - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 3:08 pm8-KPETRO USA, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
10/25/2010 3:10 pm10-Q/AXtraplan, Inc. - 10-Q/A, Quarterly Report
10/25/2010 3:12 pm8-KBROADWAY FINANCIAL CORP \DE\ - 8-K, Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
10/25/2010 3:15 pm8-KTANGER FACTORY OUTLET CENTERS, INC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 3:17 pm8-KPRE PAID LEGAL SERVICES INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 3:24 pm8-KInova Technology Inc. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 3:28 pm8-KWhiting Canadian Holding Co ULC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 3:33 pm8-KCreative Waste Solutions, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
10/25/2010 3:34 pm8-KAudience Productions, Inc. - 8-K, Other Events
10/25/2010 3:34 pm10-QFUEL DOCTOR HOLDINGS, INC. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/25/2010 3:35 pm8-KKENSEY NASH CORP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 3:40 pm8-KEVEREST FUND L P - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
10/25/2010 3:44 pm8-KPAR PACIFIC HOLDINGS, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 3:45 pm8-KQuadrant 4 System Corp - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
10/25/2010 3:49 pm10-Q/ANorthtech Industries Inc. - 10-Q/A, Quarterly Report
10/25/2010 3:56 pm10-K/AQUICKSILVER RESOURCES INC - 10-K/A, Annual Report
10/25/2010 3:57 pm8-KWSI INDUSTRIES, INC. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 3:59 pm8-KINTERACTIVE DATA CORP/MA/ - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
10/25/2010 4:01 pm8-KPSB HOLDINGS INC /WI/ - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
10/25/2010 4:05 pm10-K/AOVERLAND STORAGE INC - 10-K/A, Annual Report
10/25/2010 4:05 pm8-KLEAPFROG ENTERPRISES INC - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant
10/25/2010 4:11 pm8-KINTEGRATED DEVICE TECHNOLOGY INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:11 pm8-KTUESDAY MORNING CORP/DE - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:12 pm8-KVericel Corp - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders
10/25/2010 4:13 pm8-KL3HARRIS TECHNOLOGIES, INC. /DE/ - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:13 pm8-KPLUM CREEK TIMBER CO INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:14 pm8-KATHEROS COMMUNICATIONS INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:15 pm8-KVEECO INSTRUMENTS INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:15 pm8-KSYKES ENTERPRISES INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:15 pm8-KBERKSHIRE HILLS BANCORP INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:15 pm8-KDRI CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:15 pm8-KAvago Technologies Finance Pte. Ltd. - 8-K, Triggering Events That Accelerate or Increase a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement
10/25/2010 4:18 pm8-KHEXCEL CORP /DE/ - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:18 pm8-KAMGEN INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:19 pm8-KTALEO CORP - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:19 pm10-QInhibitor Therapeutics, Inc. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/25/2010 4:20 pm8-KPROLOGIS - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:22 pm8-KZORAN CORP \DE\ - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:23 pm8-KADVENT SOFTWARE INC /DE/ - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:25 pm8-KCHEMBIO DIAGNOSTICS, INC. - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:25 pm8-KSaker Aviation Services, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:26 pm8-KARENA PHARMACEUTICALS INC - 8-K, Other Events
10/25/2010 4:29 pm8-KINTERPACE BIOSCIENCES, INC. - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:30 pm8-KTCF FINANCIAL CORP - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:30 pm8-KCONTANGO OIL & GAS CO - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:30 pm10-QHEXCEL CORP /DE/ - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/25/2010 4:31 pm8-KTAKE TWO INTERACTIVE SOFTWARE INC - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:33 pm8-KSMITH & WESSON BRANDS, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:33 pm8-KWilber CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:33 pm8-KB/E AEROSPACE INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:35 pm8-KTEXAS INSTRUMENTS INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:35 pmS-1/AIlustrato Pictures International Inc. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
10/25/2010 4:35 pm8-K/ACTI BIOPHARMA CORP - 8-K/A, Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:38 pm8-KLumber Liquidators Holdings, Inc. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:39 pmS-1/APrecis Health, Inc. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
10/25/2010 4:39 pm8-KEMERITUS CORP\WA\ - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:41 pm8-KBROWN & BROWN, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:41 pm8-KMALVERN FEDERAL BANCORP INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:43 pm8-KFNDS3000 Corp - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:45 pm8-KCONTINUCARE CORP - 8-K, Notice of Delisting or Failure to Satisfy a Continued Listing Rule or Standard; Transfer of Listing Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:45 pm8-KNATIONAL PENN BANCSHARES INC - 8-K, Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:45 pm8-KSTAPLES INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:47 pmS-1Point of Care Nano-Technology, Inc. - S-1, General form for registration of securities
10/25/2010 4:48 pm8-KCOMMUNITY BANK SYSTEM, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:48 pm8-KHGR Liquidating Trust - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:50 pm10-K/AEVEREST FUND L P - 10-K/A, Annual Report
10/25/2010 4:50 pm8-KCOLONIAL BANCGROUP INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:50 pm8-KSALIX PHARMACEUTICALS LTD - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 4:51 pm10-K/AOptex Systems Holdings Inc - 10-K/A, Annual Report
10/25/2010 4:58 pm8-KNORTEK INC - 8-K, Other Events
10/25/2010 4:59 pm8-KLendingTree, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:00 pm10-QLTC PROPERTIES INC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/25/2010 5:00 pm10-K/AEloxx Pharmaceuticals, Inc. - 10-K/A, Annual Report
10/25/2010 5:00 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Seattle - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
10/25/2010 5:02 pm10-QSB FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/25/2010 5:02 pm8-KDDI CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:10 pm10-K/AEXTREME NETWORKS INC - 10-K/A, Annual Report
10/25/2010 5:11 pm8-KColfax CORP - 8-K, Non-Reliance on Previously Issued Financial Statements or a Related Audit Report or Completed Interim Review Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:11 pm10-KStone Harbor Investments, Inc. - 10-K, Annual Report
10/25/2010 5:12 pm8-KCBEYOND, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:13 pm8-KROWAN COMPANIES PLC - 8-K, Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:14 pm8-KBOISE INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:15 pm8-K30DC, INC. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:15 pm8-KREINSURANCE GROUP OF AMERICA INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:15 Group, Inc. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:17 pm8-KUNITEDHEALTH GROUP INC - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:19 pm8-KGTSI CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:20 pm8-KMIRANT CORP - 8-K, Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:21 pm8-KVOLTERRA SEMICONDUCTOR CORP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:21 pm8-KDime Community Bancshares, Inc. /NY/ - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:23 pm8-KPUBLIC SERVICE CO OF NEW MEXICO - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant
10/25/2010 5:24 pm8-KODP Corp - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:25 pmS-1/AARADIGM CORP - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
10/25/2010 5:25 pm8-KSEMPRA ENERGY - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant
10/25/2010 5:26 pm8-KSAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC CO - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant
10/25/2010 5:26 pm8-KPACIFIC ENTERPRISES INC - 8-K, Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant
10/25/2010 5:26 pm8-KHEALTHSTREAM INC - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:26 pm8-KCrestwood Equity Partners LP - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:27 pm8-KQUICKSILVER RESOURCES INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:27 pmS-1/ADemand Pooling, Inc. - S-1/A, General form for registration of securities
10/25/2010 5:28 pm8-KFNB CORP/PA/ - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:28 pm10-QEDAC TECHNOLOGIES CORP - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/25/2010 5:28 pm8-KARCH CAPITAL GROUP LTD. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 5:29 pm8-KYARRAMAN WINERY, INC. - 8-K, Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant
10/25/2010 5:30 pm8-KMIMEDX GROUP, INC. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 6:02 pm10-QNETFLIX INC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/25/2010 6:15 pm10-QATHEROS COMMUNICATIONS INC - 10-Q, Quarterly Report
10/25/2010 7:00 pm8-KENTERPRISE PRODUCTS PARTNERS L.P. - 8-K, Results of Operations and Financial Condition Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 7:18 pm8-KTHOMAS PROPERTIES GROUP INC - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Regulation FD Disclosure
10/25/2010 7:25 pm10-KACCENTURE SCA - 10-K, Annual Report
10/25/2010 7:47 pm8-KDuncan Energy Partners L.P. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 7:51 pm8-KAGENT155 MEDIA CORP. - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 7:55 pm8-KGHN Agrispan Holding Co - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 7:56 pmS-1STEVIA NUTRA CORP. - S-1, General form for registration of securities
10/25/2010 8:08 pm8-KGenOn Energy, Inc. - 8-K, Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders Regulation FD Disclosure Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 8:26 pmS-1Obagi Medical Products, Inc. - S-1, General form for registration of securities
10/25/2010 8:26 pm8-KFederal Home Loan Bank of Seattle - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 8:29 pm8-KTC GLOBAL, INC. - 8-K, Departure of Directors or Certain Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Certain Officers: Compensatory Arrangements of Certain Officers
10/25/2010 8:33 pm8-KHAWAIIAN ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES INC - 8-K, Other Events
10/25/2010 8:44 pm8-KMGM Resorts International - 8-K, Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 8:46 pm8-KKANSAS CITY SOUTHERN - 8-K, Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year Financial Statements and Exhibits
10/25/2010 8:56 pm8-KAMERON INTERNATIONAL CORP - 8-K, Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant Regulation FD Disclosure Other Events Financial Statements and Exhibits